
Ecce Venit - Behold He Cometh - A.J. Gordon

SKU: 9789066593022
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€ 22,50 € 21,00 (including VAT)

Biblestudies on the second coming of Jesus Christ

Adoniram Judson (A. J.) Gordon (1836–1895) came to prominence as the evangelical pastor of Clarendon Street Baptist Church in Boston. During his 25 years of tenure there, he saw a complete transformation of the church, with an unsurpassed effort in missions. A missionary training school and publishing house were associated with the church, and Gordon preached at many of D. L. Moody’s Northfield Conferences. His training school eventually became Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. He also founded Gordon College, in Wenham, Massachusetts. 

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Specification Description
author Gordon, A.J.
type paperback
pages 323

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